Computational Thinking (CT) is a problem-solving process that enables students to think, learn and create to solve problems. Learn lesson-ready techniques you can use with any student! Join us! PreRegReq:
2 days ago, Alexandra Konsur-Grushinski
image by storyset on freepik - cartoon of a student touching a brain on top of a computer chip
NEIU 19 held their STEM Design Challenge competition at Johnson College on February 4, 2025. Check out the news report on WNEP 16.
11 days ago, Steph Williams
competition at Johnson College NEIU 19 showing students competing
student being interviewed by WNEP
NEW DATE! Join us for Shared Waters Workshop: Dive into EL&S of STEELS! Experience real, hands-on classroom instruction w/10-lesson watershed unit designed for gr. 4–8. 3/31/25: PreRegReq:
16 days ago, Alexandra Konsur-Grushinski
Shared Waters Educator Professional Learning Day -Picture of Teacher drawing a Topographical Map
NEW DATE! Join us for Shared Waters Workshop: Dive into EL&S of STEELS! Experience real, hands-on classroom instruction w/10-lesson watershed unit designed for gr. 4–8. 3/31/25: PreRegReq:
about 1 month ago, Alexandra Konsur-Grushinski
Model My Watershed Activity
NEIU SOAR and STRIVE Programs wish everyone a safe and health holiday!
about 2 months ago, Kelly Dickey
soar and strive christmas
NEIU's STEELS Academy helps elementary educators build capacity for PA STEELS Standards with tools and resources. Use to register.
5 months ago, Steph Williams
STEELS Academy for Elementary Educators graphic
A Book-in-a-Day Workshop was hosted for the NEIU 19 Title III Consortium Districts. Thank you to Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld who provided insight and inspiration to start our book study of her Growing and Language Literacy K-8 and Secondary books.
5 months ago, Eliza Vagni
Title III Consortium Members
Our Early Intervention Department is seeking a Service Coordinator. See the details below. #PeaveLoveEI
5 months ago, Colleen Penzone
SC Posting
Join us at our SOAR and STRIVE Transition Open House at Marywood University on October 9, 2024!
5 months ago, Kelly Dickey
Transition Open House
It's almost here! NEIU Summer STEELS Academy for Elementary Educators. Lunch each day, a copy of Rise and Thrive with Science book & additional materials & resources will be provided to all participants. Register Today:
7 months ago, Alexandra Konsur-Grushinski
Rise and Thrive with Science Book Cover
Hello Early Intervention Families and Caregivers! Linked below is an amazing opportunity to participate in a parent training series offered by our Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL). This series is titled, Competence and Confidence: Partners in Policy Making, and parents who have participated in this training series in the past have said it changed their lives! Check out the flyer below for registration details and dates. We hope you will take this opportunity to share your experience and voice your opinions for EI in Pennsylvania!
8 months ago, Colleen Penzone
MWEE Educator Experience Day - Learn to incorporate ELS in STEELS! Focus on student investigations into local environmental issues that lead to informed action & civic engagement. Open to all K-12 Educators. Free water monitoring kits! PreReg Req:
9 months ago, Alexandra Konsur-Grushinski
water quality monitors stacked by the Lackawanna River
PA Media & Design Competition 2024 results are in. Lucas Urban & Clinton Muir (Holy Cross) placed 1st HS 3-D Design. Jayla Bilski (Lackawanna CTC) placed 3rd HS Graphic Design & Logo. Evan Eibach, Ty Dougher & Aaron Mecca (Dunmore) placed 2nd MS Digital Movie. Congratulations!
9 months ago, Alexandra Konsur-Grushinski
Aaron Mecca, Ty Dougher and Evan Eibach pose with their digital movie project
CTCLC Graphic Design and logo project
Lucas Urban and Clinton Muir pose with their winning 3D design project: the Tactical Cane
NEIU 19 PBIS Facilitators, Joe Richter and Christopher Olson, wanted to provide a special shoutout to our region's participating PBIS schools that applied and met state recognition! Click on the link below to see the shout out video. Congratulations to these schools for their efforts and supports for students within multiple tiered initiatives. Keep up the great work!
10 months ago, Colleen Penzone
Join us on April 29th for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability and the PA STEELS Standards. Pre Reg Req:
10 months ago, Steph Williams
Exploring the ELS of STEELS April 29, 2024 registration open now
Winners of The Nest Knockout. Congratulations to all our players on a great day. @PlayLCSports #NEIU19
10 months ago, Steph Williams
Winners of The Nest Knockout. Congratulations to all our players on a great day. @PlayLCSports
Local high school students compete at Lackawanna College in The Nest Knockout. A partnership with Lackawanna College and NEIU19. #GGLC
10 months ago, Steph Williams
Local high school students compete in The Nest Knockout
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Tournament "The Nest Knockout" held for all high school students, 4/20 11:00 - 3:00 at Lackawanna College, 501 Vine Street Scranton. $10.00 entry fee. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Lunch provided. Register
10 months ago, Steph Williams
The Nest Knockout at Lackawanna College
Join us for Open Sci Ed Educator 2-Day Professional Development Learn about a curricular resource that allows students to approach the new PA STEELS Standards. The dates are 3/25 & 3/26/2024, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm both days please register here
11 months ago, Steph Williams
Photo of scientists with Open Sci Ed Training text overlay.
During the first week of March, 2024, our Director of Special Education-Early Intervention Programs, Colleen Penzone and Training and Consultation Staff, Christopher Olson, had the unique opportunity to attend the International APBS conference in Chicago, IL. Presentations included our friends at PaTTAN East, Tina Lawson and Melissa Klug who presented in front of a packed room on the topic of, “Large-scale Tier 2 Systems and Intervention Implementation”. Colleen and Chris also attended sessions pertaining to Program-Wide and School-Wide PBIS on various topics as well as networked with individuals from around the globe during poster session presentations. The ideas and networking they brought back will drive much of the conversations around Early Intervention and our district initiatives around behavior, social emotional learning, mental health and trauma informed practices in the future. Congrats to our PaTTAN friends on this huge honor of presenting at such a prestigious conference!
11 months ago, Colleen Penzone